Working wonders: a special candle and a healthy treat from Eat Real Food |
Then, before I know it, the dog needs walking, the dishwasher unloading, the emails ping and I glance at the clock - argh! Lunchtime has rolled around and my son requires picking up from school in a couple of hours. Damn you, Mark Zuckerburg!
So (deep breath) in a quest to improve my productivity, I've devised 10 top tips for working from home:
- Close down social media, zap your email and even your internet browser if you don't need to be online; switch off noisy notifications on your phone too
- Find a comfortable nook in the house to suit your mood - sometimes I retreat to the study downstairs for freelance projects; or I set up on the kitchen table and stare out at the pots on the patio until inspiration strikes...
- Set achievable deadlines - use your diary to break your workload down into scheduled chunks
- Keep a log of the hours you work - noting down start and finish times as you go along (avoids time wastage)
- Make your working environment feel hygge - light a candle, set up a pot of tea and reward yourself with a treat halfway through the day
- On that note, ask your spouse/partner to hide all the biscuits in the house and ensure that only healthy snacks remain accessible
- Stay warm - have an old jumper to hand or plug in an electric radiator (nothing worse than feeling chilly)
- Once your concentration levels start to slip, take a proper break - walk the dog, exercise, pace up and down the garden in the fresh air
- Ring-fence your working time (all household chores should be relegated to a specific slot in the day)
- If all else fails, pack up your laptop and find a friendly cafe with wifi; I've done some of my best work in a shopping centre in Reading with a flat white by my side
Right! Now I feel better. But before we get started, does anyone fancy a cup of tea?
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